Our Services

Packers & Movers

ISO 9001

In the world wide hundreds of thousands of organization used the world's predominant quality management system ISO 9001:2015...

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ISO 14001

ISO 14001:2015 define that organization is managing its environmental responsibilities. ISO 14001:2015 standards is accepted...

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Car Carrier

OHSAS 18001

An OHSAS 18001(Occupational Health and safety) standard helps organization to control the health and safety risks. This provides...

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Loading & Unloading

ISO 17025

ISO 17025 certification help those organizations who performing tests and/or calibrations. This certificate defines the general...

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Welcome to ISO Bahrain

Infomatics Consultancy Company knows how to play an active role in all the business activity to stay in touch with industry & community. We provide top class services to maintain long term relations with our clients. We make sure that the products we offer ensure spanking results in terms of effectiveness and resilience.

In Bahrain, Infomatics Consultancy Company is one of the leading services such as ISO certification, ISO consultancy and ISO audit which helps for organizational improvements. The areas covered by us include Consultancy, Documentation, Training, Auditing & Certification Work. These works are handling by our experienced team that makes sure that our customer gets ISO Standard like ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 18001, 17025,22000,28001,50001 and many other specific certifications.

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